

When Corona hit the fan and we all stuck in a lockdown, I’ve searched for some new hobbies. The result was a couple of IT projects that I’ve finally started. Below you get a brief overview about some of the noticeable projects. If you also want to get your hands dirty, check if there is an article linked below. Furthermore, you should also find links to Github if you are interested in the code and if available to the apps itself. Most of them are still in progress, so don’t go to hard on me.

Currently there are four main projects running on my private cloud:

My Cocktail List

Tech: Supabase, Postgres, React
Website: or

Since I am a huge cocktail lover (nerd) as you can read on my first blog post: The Best Amaretto Sour in the world, I for sure build something related with cocktails. I have quite a crowded bar at home and plenty of cocktail books on my shelf. But I always had the same problem that bugged me: When I spontaneous wanted to make a cocktail based on a recipe from one of my many books, there was for sure always one ingredient missing. I always wondered - why can't I just register my bar ingredients somewhere and it shows me all the cocktails that I can make.

And with that, the idea for "" was born. The result was a site with 19'000 cocktail recipes. So many you ask? Well ok, not all the recipes are "brilliant" I admit, but many recipes means many matches, and that gives you something to "work" with right ;-)
But 19'000 cocktail recipes without pictures does not make sense right. So I also needed 19'000ish pictures. That was quite a hustle... Today maybe GPT-3 / DALL-e 2 would do the job for me (maybe I will have a go on that thing, but another time). And for sure I also needed a nice sorting algorithm, that you can see the proper cocktails first.

Give it a go, I am happy for any feedback or suggestions!  

Raspberry Pie Cluster


Tech: Raspberry Pie 4, Ubuntu, ARM64, Kubernetes, Docker, Nginx

Obviously, I needed something to host all of my projects. So, a Raspberry would have been a good choice. But since using just ‘one’ RPI was too easy, I instead bought four and build my own Raspberry Pie 4 Cluster. And what would be a cluster without an orchestrator. That is why I decided to create a Kubernetes Cluster with my Raspberries.

If you wanna know more or maybe build your own, then read me article Building your own Private Cloud with Raspberry Pi 4 and Kubernetes



Tech: Jitsi, React, Redux Github: fuebiapp-web, fuebiapp-docker

In my local dialect ‘Fuebi’ means ‘afterwork beer’. (or was one of my first Corona projects. Reason was I was missing the social times when we could have a beer together and get on each other’s nerves with poking others to take another round or initiate a shot round. So Fuebiapp is a conference/meeting platform where you can hang out and have a beer together. With some afterwork beer features.

Some of the features include:

  • See all participants at once
  • Announce a shot round
  • Beer counter
  • Poke somebody to have another beer

Websites:, (deprecated)

Home Control API


Tech: NodeJS, Express Github: HomeControl

I always wanted to control my room via Siri but Apple solution does not work in Switzerland and most other products do not support Siri. The Home Control project allows me to control my IKEA smart plugs with Siri. It consists of a simple Express backend with an API that controls an IKEA gateway.

If you wanna know more, read my article Hey Siri, I wanna sleep! that describes the project in detail.

Private Blog


Tech: Ghost (Former Jekyll)

The main idea why I created a private website, was to have a location to publish articles about my projects. Almost everybody I was bubbling to what I did during COVID was interested to build something on her own. So, I figured why not do something for the community and contribute back and share all my knowledge. Afterall I also came only that far because other people did the same before me. So here you go.

If you find any typos, mistake or any other blunder let me know in the comments section or create an issue on Github. I will be very grateful!