The best Ameretto Sour in the world

The best Ameretto Sour in the world

Who says this blog is just about IT stuff? Well, after all the URL goes like my full name, so I should probably also add some private stuff, right? What is a better icebreaker than posting my favorite cocktail. So, if you did not already know; I am kind of a cocktail nerd. So, I usually drink beer in bars - because most bars do not really like making good cocktails. But when I am in a bar that appreciates the making of cocktails, it is not unusual that the bar tender thinks I am hitting on him because I can’t stop making compliments about his craft.

Well, let us start with a story…

In a tiny bar somewhere in Copenhagen I once ordered a cocktail like this:

Me: Hi, one Jeff Morgenthaler Amaretto Sour, please.

The bar tender stared at me without saying a word, so I continued:

Me: It is just like an Amaretto Sour with egg white and a bit of cask-proof bourbon.

The bar tender (almost a bit offended) replied quickly:

Bar tender: Yes, yes… I know this cocktail, but I just never heard somebody order it like that. What can I bring the other gentleman?

My friend ordered a Negroni and the bar tender walked off.

Until this very moment I still do not know how I should have ordered this cocktail differently but apparently the bar tender was a bit surprised about his fancy guests (I felt a bit special to be honest).

He came back with two perfect cocktails and a big grin on his face, telling us in the most charming way: he suspects us being cocktail lovers and he might has one or two other creations for us, if we are interested.

Later that night, we found out that the tiny bar was operated by Michael Olsson, a known figure in the Danish cocktail scene. Of course, he was no fool and immediately figured out that we are just some random blokes that like to be called ‘cocktail lovers’ but the night payed off for him. We left the bar pretty ‘happy’ and with an empty wallet.

So, what is so special about that cocktail? Nothing really and I think the founder of the cocktail ‘Jeffrey Morgenthaler’ also did not really understand all the fuzz about it. However, he was self confident enough to claim: I Make the Best Amaretto Sour in The World

But let the man talk from himself.

And finally, the menu to DIY:


  • 1½ oz/45 ml amaretto
  • ¾ oz/22.5 ml cask-proof bourbon
  • 1 oz/30 ml lemon juice
  • 1 tsp/5 ml 2:1 simple syrup
  • ½ oz/15 ml egg white, lightly beaten
  1. Combine everything in a cocktail shaker (without ice)
  2. Dry shake for some secs (hold well the top of the shaker, since the egg white will create pressure)
  3. Add big ice cubes
  4. Shake viciously for 10-15 secs
  5. Strain over fresh ice in an old fashioned glass
  6. Garnish with a lemon peel (without the white skin)

It was always my favorite cocktail but since that story in Copenhagen, I like the cocktail even a bit better.

Until next time . . .